Ajudar Os outros perceber as vantagens da cristina

View conversation · Cristina Kirchner @CFKArgentina Jul 13 Replying to @CFKArgentina Creo qual hemos retrocedido enormemente porque cuando el 9 de diciembre de 2015 en medio do aquella maravillosa plaza nos despedimos del pueblo, la Argentina tenia algunas cosas que había empezado a resolver. pic.twitter.usando/Z06zRgbZ1Z

Burke’s recovery was not smooth-sailing and he discovered that he had developed a hand tremor. Burke later confided to Cristina about his hand tremor, and she told him that no-one has to know. They devised a covert partnership to hide Burke's tremors from the other doctors. In her best supportive way, she managed Burke’s surgery schedule and scrubbed in on all his surgeries, so that she could take over whenever his hand became too tired to proceed with surgery.

They thought she needed time to figure out what she was going to do next. After spending four days in her hotel, she fell in love with the city. During the lecture, it turned out that it had been Preston Burke who made her come to Zurich. Initially resentful given their history, she ultimately accepted his offer to scrub in with him as she had also followed his work over the years. He showed her some of his hospital's cutting edge techniques, such as holographic hearts in the OR and 49 3-D printers.

They found out that they would need 175 million dollars on top of their own money, so they started looking for an invester. They assembled a packet to convince possible investers, but Cristina didn't believe a packet would convince someone to invest so much money. She was worried this wouldn't work, because Owen stopped calling and he would never speak to her again if this whole project failed. Meredith assured her Owen would be the happiest of all once they bought the hospital and the sneaking around could stop. Alex informed them the hospital was following apart after they quit, as a lot of staff members followed their example.

During the day, Cristina contributed to creating an administrative mess to show Jackson he wasn't capable of leading a hospital. Cristina met up with Derek, whose comments about who to blame made Owen walk out, and told him he should stop blaming Owen. She didn't understand what it was about, as Derek seemingly forgave him months ago. Jackson stepped up as a leader when he managed to solve the OR crisis and find an available OR for Cristina.

On the eighth day of Paul's coma, he still hadn't woken up. Cristina didn't like that the family overheard her saying the number of eight days, as they now got their hopes up while it could also be a few days after the eighth day. She started thinking about other treatments she could have followed, but she concluded the therapeutic hypothermia was the site da visita only right one. Following his confession, Cristina helped Alex to avoid Jo. Meredith informed her Bailey had locked herself in her genome lab because she was mad at all of them for the CDC thing, which prompted Cristina to go talk to her. From outside the lab, Cristina explained the situation and without Bailey answering, Cristina came up with the idea to go global. She called several international hospitals to ask about their trials regarding waking up coma patients, but without success. The entire board later tried to apologize to Bailey, but she continued to ignore them all. When Ethan was brought in with an overdose of sleeping pills, Cristina suddenly realized that zolpidem is a gaba agonist and that they could reverse the effects.

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He advised them to get someone with real administrative experience on their team and then they could talk again. While Meredith went to get Richard on their team, Cristina confessed everything to Owen as telling him wouldn't make any more difference now. She explained they only walked out to stall the sale to Pegasus and that they have an investor, only needing him and Webber to get the guy on board before the Pegasus deal would close. She said she didn't tell him because he could be sued or end up in jail due to the disclosure agreements he signed. She promised she was only trying to protect him, after which he went to the board to tell them about the doctors' plan so they wouldn't agree to the Pegasus deal.

Cristina ended up pregnant after a sexual encounter with Preston Burke. She scheduled an abortion, however, during a surgery with Dr. Burke she showed signs of pain and discomfort and collapsed in the OR. Bailey and Izzie helped her out and Addison finally operated on her. One of her Fallopian tubes had burst and she was bleeding out into the uterus.

Cristina ventilated her frustation to Meredith. She said that this was exactly what she was afraid of: the administrative duties were taking over her career, and now Russell saw her as someone on the board instead of as a surgeon. To give Miranda the money she needed for her genome project and to punish Russell for the way he treated her, Cristina cut Russell's budget by a few million. He shouted he asked for more and that this would mean he had to lose a resident and a research assistant.

After this, the situation only grew worse, and during a session with a marriage counselor, it became clear that they both failed to understand each other's point of view on the baby issue.

The couple reconciled and officially became a couple.[43] When Cristina and Burke went on their first official date out of the hospital, they realized that they have almost nothing in common.

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In response, Ezio ordered that Manfredo stop gambling, and that he should be a good husband to Cristina, otherwise he would hunt him down and kill him. Afterwards, Ezio met with Cristina and kissed her, telling her that he had made sure that Manfredo would remain devoted to her.

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